Accessing independent speech and language therapy
Referrals for Speech and Language Therapy are typically received from General Practitioners (GPs), Health Visitors or other professionals, e.g. physiotherapists, although self-referral is common.
Many people choose to work with an independent Speech and Language Therapist because of the flexibility private medical care offers. Typically, an independent practitioner can begin therapy without delay and work in a number of settings, including schools, nurseries, clinics or in a client’s home.
What happens next?
When you decide to engage the services of The Speech Therapy Centre, one of our independent Speech and Language Therapists will meet with you for an initial assessment of your communication skills. This meeting will be followed up by a written assessment summary. If your case is complex or we feel we need a better understanding of your requirements, you may be offered further assessment sessions at this stage.
From this initial assessment, a Speech and Language Therapist will devise a programme outlining the aims and objectives of therapy and how these can be achieved. Together, you will agree when and where future sessions will occur – the frequency and number of these sessions will depend on your individual case.
You can expect to see the same Speech and Language Therapist throughout your association with The Speech Therapy Centre, as we believe that consistency and a good rapport between client and therapist are essential in order to achieve the best possible outcome.
However, by choosing The Speech Therapy Centre, you can also rest assured that a team of further Speech and Language therapists are on hand to cover staff illness or if you feel you would benefit from working with a different individual. As our team have different areas of specialism, we will always ensure that you are assigned to the most experienced therapist with skills relating to your needs.